Monday, 11 January 2016

GEK1549/ ES1531 Critical Thinking and Writing

Taken in SEM 1 AY14/15

Module Overview:
English mod

As of the 2014/15 cohort, this is a mandatory critical thinking and writing module done in sectional teaching which is also a science GEM (Group B). It’s not like GP although good grammar and such is still required. I think it’s a rather technical learning of English where we have to identify the type of argument, the basis for an argument, and the assumptions the writer has when forming his argument. The first assignment is individual where you’re given a passage and asked to give a summary and critique the argument using the tools learnt in the first few lessons. The second is a group paper where you form your own arguments as propositions to solve on problem on (whatever the theme is for the semester). There was quite a bit of frustration over the way my tutor teaches. Ask her a question and basically you get more confused with more question. But it seems like that’s the way all the tutors teach. I think the workload isn’t very heavy but it is a burden to those who don’t excel in writing. Fancy language is not required at all but trying to phrase your argument so that it is concise and effective can be a challenge. Finals was hard. You’d think writing GP essays for 2 years that writing another would be fine but when we saw the paper: mindblank. Those who got an A for GP can take ES1501X in place and GEK1549 and also be exempted from ES2331, another compulsory communication module for engineers, but if you’re not confident of your writing abilities I suggest taking GEK instead so you have a better chance with the bell curve. The cohort for ES1501X is small so there isn’t any bell curve and from the friends that took ES it’s rather abstract.

Webcast: No webcast, it's sectional teaching
Textbook: None

There is finals for this module (30%) and 2 assignments, each 30%. The last 10% is from class participation, which also includes your reflections on the 2 assignments.

Expected Grade: B+
Final Grade: A-

CS1010E Programming Methodology

Taken in SEM 1 AY14/15

Module Overview:
Basics of C++ in MinGW (arrays, functions, strings, recursion etc.)

This was an absolute horror for me, but a safe bet for those with any computing background. Core module for all engineers other than Chemical who does MatLab. It is interesting and rather fun to create our own programmes and whenever the programme works I feel a surge of satisfaction. Bell curve is steep though, with many having some kind of background and even those who do not need this as a core module take it for an easy A. Henry Chia taught this semester and he is very clear in his teaching.  Midterms is MCQ, finals has MCQ and open-ended where you have to write your programme on paper. The first graded lab is free marks but things get harder and harder from there and I went completely downslope. Logic is required to figure out the algorithm and that’s the difficult part. After a while writing the algorithm becomes easy. Doing tutorials does help but note that a small tweak in the question can result in a very different algorithm.

Webcast: Have
Textbook: Not required

Not sure what the grading is like as he changed it along the way when he realised most of us were doing terrible for our labs, but there’s midterms, finals, and graded labs every fortnight.

Expected Grade: B-
Final Grade: B

EG1108 Electrical Engineering

Taken in SEM AY14/15

Module Overview:
Covering KVL, KCL, transient, transformer and K-maps

Bell curve for this is steeeeep. Content is actually very manageable, but since there is no webcast and lectures are at 8am not many people turn up so there’s fluster when finals approach and they realise they have no idea what’s going on. Moral of the story: go for lectures. If you have any EE friends they can be good teachers since they have a module that covers more or less the same content. The module is taught by 2 lecturer, C. C. Ko and Ben Chen, each covering different parts. C. C. Ko teaches by examples so it can be a bit confusing since you don’t really know what you’re being taught to begin with. Ben Chen has structured notes so it’s easier to follow but it can feel like you’re listening to a lullaby. Tutorials are fine and once you do the papers you’ll realise the questions are about the same so finals is do-able. Workload is very light overall but will need some effort to get a good grade.

Webcast: None available
Textbook: Not required

20% Labs (10% each)
80% finals.

Expected: B+
Final: A 

PC1431 Physics IE

Taken in SEM 1 AY14/15

Module Overview:
Initially most of the content is from JC, like forces, dynamics, thermal dynamics, but there are new content like rotational dynamics, rolling motion and entropy (different content from chemistry).

The concepts aren’t hard to understand but doing the questions is a different game altogether. They are hard as it requires strong understanding and application of the concepts. My tutor helped to identify the steps to solving questions which is a big help. Qiu Leiju! There’s Mastering Physics every other week, graded with the best 7 of 8, so help each other out and ace it because it’s a very attainable 10%. There is only 2 labs a semester. The experiments haven’t changed since 2006 so if you have any seniors… yeah. There is viva for each lab though. There’s 3 lecture groups due to the large cohort although not the whole of engine is taking this module. My lecturer was Tan Meng Chuan aka Tony Stark. He digresses too much for me so it can become a little frustrating but there’s nothing wrong with his teaching. It’ll take more effort to get a good grade but tutorials is every fortnight.

Webcast: Available
Textbook: Not required

10% Mastering Physics
10% Labs
20% Midterms
60% Finals

Expected Grade: B+
Final Grade: B+

MA1506 Mathematics 2

Taken in SEM 1 AY14/15

Module Overview:
This module continues on from MA1505 and focuses mainly on differential equations. There’s also a chapter on matrices.

Also a lot of new content, but I feel it’s easier than MA1505. In the case you really, really can’t understand the theory behind the concepts, just apply the formula. It’ll get you through. Again, practice makes perfect. The questions tend to be the same thing so get familiar with them. And don’t feel discouraged when you do the tutorials because the questions they ask in tests and exams are rather different so focus more on the papers than the tutorials. I would still advise to go for tutorials though. My tutor did summaries before every lesson which did help. The lecturer was Brett McCinnes and he was great although his teaching style might not appeal to all as he teaches like he’s telling a story. But it helped me remember the content better and chances of falling asleep is smaller. He tends to rush sometimes though so some self-study might be required, but he’s very approachable if you have any questions. I came to a point where I gave up on tutorials, but even if you do attempt them, workload is light. And this module is even more score-able than MA1505 to me, but typically if you take this in semester 2 you’re competing with the same cohort so your grade would tend to be the same.

Webcast: Available
Textbook: None

Grading is also the same as MA1505, only midterms was solely based on Chapter 1 – Ordinary Differential Equations. So learn that well!! Everything is tested for finals. Both midterms and finals allows a 2-sided A4 cheatsheet.

Expected Grade: A
Final Grade: A-

MA1505 Mathematics 1

Taken in SEM 1 AY14/15

Professor: Chew Tuan Seng
Module Overview:
Mostly calculus (differentiation, Fourier, and integration. a lot of integration.) There’s also a bit of vectors.

Together with MA1506, these two modules are common modules for the ENTIRE engineering population. So the bell curve works in your favour. It’s a lot of new content and gets progressively harder so don’t slack off halfway. Imo the only way to ace this module is to practice. Maths papers (with answers) are made readily available by IVLE all the way back to 2006 so it’s up to you how many you want to do. There’s 3 lecturers since the cohort is so big. My lecturer was Chew Tuan Seng. His explanations are pretty clear though he talks a little slowly. But then again, that means more time to understand. If you know how to do the questions, you can give the tutorials a miss. Honestly, I only went for 3 or 4 tutorials since my tutor couldn't be understood. Overall, workload is light but I don't think it's a mod that can go unstudied so be consistent.

Webcast: There's webcast!
Textbook: None

20% midterms (10 MCQs based on first 5 chapters)
80% finals (8 questions, each having 2 parts, open ended) with 2-sided A4 cheatsheet

Expected Grade: A-
Final Grade: A-

ACC2002 Managerial Accounting

Taken in SEM 1 AY15/16

Professor: Alfred L C Loh
Module overview: 
The emphasis of the course is on the use of accounting information internally by managers in managing an organisation. Students will gain an understanding of the information needed by managers in planning, control and decision-making. The course will cover topics such as cost concepts and cost behaviour, costing systems, flexible budgets and variance analysis, management controls and responsibility accounting and relevant costs in decision-making.

Class participation: For my class, barely anyone participated after the first few weeks. Large part of class participation was attendance marks.

Presentation:Steep bellcurve since answers are provided and presentation is just tutorial questions.

Mid-term test: Super steep bellcurve, almost everyone got A/A+. Didn't do well ultimately because of this. (Got B+ even though I felt the paper was quite well done)

Final examination: Manageable. However, dont get tricked by the past year papers! Did the past year papers in 1 hour, however, I did not manage to finish 5 marks for the finals examination. This was the case for most of the cohort. The paper however was quite manageable, 2 questions were easy, 1 question was tedious and the last was conceptual, but manageable.

Webcast: No webcast (Sectional style)
Textbook: Very important!! Lecture notes are not very detailed, nor do they explain things very well. Very important to read the textbook as it explains most concepts pretty decently.

Class participation 15%
Presentation 15%
Mid-term test 30%
Final examination 40%

Expected Grade: C-
Final Grade: B

DSC2008 Business Analytics - Data & Decisions

Taken in SEM 1 AY15/16

Module overview:
Part 1: Types of data and distributions, hypothesis testing and regression
Part 2: Time series analysis, cluster analysis

Review: Module had a pretty steep bellcurve since the assignment and group projects were all roughly done in the same way. Examination was manageable and many people left early. But because it was MCQ, you should study properly as many who found it alright did not do too well since it was pretty tricky - 2 answers were similar to each other.

This module was not as scary as many said it would be. However, studying is required.

Webcast: Available (I relied on the webcasts the entire sem and didn't go for lectures, as many a time I could not catch what the lecturer was saying and had to repeat watching many parts)
Textbook: Available, useful to read but not absolutely necessary.

Individual Tutorial Assignments (Weeks 4 & 10): 20% (10% each)
Group Project (due Week 12; presentation Week 13): 20%
Class Participation: 20% - Seems a lot but was mainly made up of attendance. Did not talk at all in class.
Final Examination (Open Book; bring anything except computers and hand phones: 40%

Expected Grade: Really unsure, since the bell curve seemed very steep
Final Grade: B+
(Should have done the first assignment earlier as it was quite confusing and there were multiple methods that were suitable. Second assignment was pretty similar for everyone).

Friday, 8 January 2016

DSC3202 Purchasing and Materials Management

Taken in SEM 1 AY15/16

Professor: Keith B. Carter
Module overview: 
Learning techniques and how to quantify purchasing.
Some concepts learnt include:
- ROI (Return on investment)
- Techniques in negotiation
- Using software such as qlikview & dashboards
- VRR (Vendor reliability)
- Quality management

Refer here to the module outline for more detailed breakdown:

Felt that I did not learn many solid concepts in this module, as most of the concepts learnt were already learnt in Managerial Accounting or Operations Management.

However, this module was good in the sense it allowed you to practice application - we had lessons on negotiating, using the applications and our final presentation was at either P&G or Xiaomi (Using real life situations).

Final presentation was frustrating because there was little information given and everything was pretty hypothetical. Glad that our prof in the end liked our presentation because he was impressed we came up with a formula. We managed to make it to the decision sciences competition, but did not win top 3.

Another frustrating thing was that we did not know the break down of marks for the individual assignments and group projects - hence we put in a lot of effort for a palm oil assignment which was worth 8%, which ended up the same as an individual assignment the beama assignment which we each rushed our within 2 hours.

Another thing was that sometimes the prof would give you 4 weeks notice for the assignment, and other times he would give you 1 week's notice.

There is also 2 bonus assignments - 1 which was before the term even started. I missed out on this one because I did not check the ivle announcements.

As for the mid term quiz, it was made up of MCQs and Short answer questions - he will ask you to do it on an internet application and the TA & prof will make sure you do not switch screens. The test was pretty reasonable, cheat sheet was allowed.

Webcast: Only available when there are guest speakers
Textbook: None

Individual Assessment: 20%
Class Participation: 10%
Midterm (With cheatsheet) : 20%
Group project: 20% (Divided amongst group projects)
Final group presentation: 30%

Expected Grade: A-
Final Grade: B+

GEM1036 / GEH1001 Globalisation and New Media

Taken in SEM 1 AY15/16

Professor: Gui Kai Chong
Module overview: 
Simply globalisation and new media, in relation to topics like culture, creative industries, digital economy, change, environment

Very much like GP, hence not much studying to do for finals. Concepts were not difficult.

Workload was quite a lot for a level 1000 mod - there were about 20 page readings every week. Some weeks had two. Some readings were pretty dry but most were quite insightful if you persevered through them!

Class participation: Do not need to fear if you're not really the kind who likes class participation. The teacher is quite kind and generally gives everyone a chance to speak.

Good to be very detailed with the powerpoint assignment.

Finals was 2 hours - had more than enough time. Tested 5MCQs on the readings, 10 marks on short answered question (that were very closely related to readings) and 1 essay question. Essay question was on networks. A lot of people finished quite fast and left early.

Webcast: None
Textbook: None

Class participation + Forum: 25%
Essay assignment: 30%
Powerpoint assignment: 15%
Finals: 30%

Expected Grade: A/A-
Final Grade: B+
Did well for all the components before finals (got a 14/15 & 27/30 for each assignment + did the forum 20 times) hence felt there was a chance for getting A, however was pretty disappointed that I did not.

Thursday, 7 January 2016

MNO 2007 Leadership and Ethics

Taken in SEM 1 AY15/16

Module overview: Very similar to MNO1001, teaches on leadership and ethical theories.

Compulsory module for business students.
This module was pretty easy in terms of concepts and understanding.

However, it required the submission of about 8 weekly one-pagers, which were quite a hassle for some. These were included in class participation grade.

Class participation was key to doing well in the module - yet there is a steep bellcurve since everyone will participate. Try to participate in the first few weeks if you wish to score, as the prof will try to limit the number of times of participation towards the second half of the semester.

Leadership moment project is a pair work - basically you have to write on a leadership experience including concepts learnt through this module. This was due about week 9.

 Group project presentation - done throughout the semester, usually done in a group of about 5-6 people. My group did pretty badly for this, as the prof didn't really like the case we presented, somewhat mentioning that we were out of point.

Test: Choose 3 out of 4 essays and write within one hour. Something some what like GP. Important to have real life examples - hence I suggest you take note of the examples your classmates mention in class if you don't really have good general knowledge. This test was quite a rush for me as I made the mistake of spending too much time for the first essay. Felt that it didn't go as well as I hoped - as I put in quite a bit of effort to memorise concepts, examples and quotes for the essay.

Webcast: None (Sectional teaching style)
Textbook: Not required, but can always get it free from your seniors

Class participation + Weekly One Pagers 30%
Leadership Moment Project 20%
Group Project Presentation 20%
Test 30%

Expected Grade: B-
Final Grade: B+
Did much better than I expected despite my project and test doing as such.

GEK1505 Living With Mathematics

Took this in SEM 2 AY14/15

Module Overview:

Ch 2 Counting (Similar to probability)
Ch 4 Clocking
Ch 5 Coding

Ch 6 Enciphering (excluding Digital signature)
Ch 7 Chancing

Module is pretty simple since the first half only test on things we learnt in H2 A Level Mathematics.
This module has a really steep bellcurve though. Mid terms were upon 30, out of which the average scored about 25. Questions were simple however, as almost all were of the same nature as tutorial questions/past year questions. Some even used the same numbers. Exception of 1 question that made use of pure concept. Make sure you do the tutorials and past year questions!

Similar for finals, although finals were slightly harder since concepts learnt in the second half were slightly harder.

However, should not be too difficult, as I did not attend a single lecture nor tutorial. I barely watched webcasts as well as the notes were quite easily understandable. Need not buy the textbook if you're considering to, unless you want to practice more for extra confidence.

Textbook: Not required, but available
Webcast: Available, not really required

Midterm: 30%
Final Exam: 70%.
Tests and final exam:
(i) closed book.
(ii) One A4-sized helpsheet, both sides, was allowed.

Expected Grade: A/A-
Final Grade: A-