Monday, 11 January 2016

MA1505 Mathematics 1

Taken in SEM 1 AY14/15

Professor: Chew Tuan Seng
Module Overview:
Mostly calculus (differentiation, Fourier, and integration. a lot of integration.) There’s also a bit of vectors.

Together with MA1506, these two modules are common modules for the ENTIRE engineering population. So the bell curve works in your favour. It’s a lot of new content and gets progressively harder so don’t slack off halfway. Imo the only way to ace this module is to practice. Maths papers (with answers) are made readily available by IVLE all the way back to 2006 so it’s up to you how many you want to do. There’s 3 lecturers since the cohort is so big. My lecturer was Chew Tuan Seng. His explanations are pretty clear though he talks a little slowly. But then again, that means more time to understand. If you know how to do the questions, you can give the tutorials a miss. Honestly, I only went for 3 or 4 tutorials since my tutor couldn't be understood. Overall, workload is light but I don't think it's a mod that can go unstudied so be consistent.

Webcast: There's webcast!
Textbook: None

20% midterms (10 MCQs based on first 5 chapters)
80% finals (8 questions, each having 2 parts, open ended) with 2-sided A4 cheatsheet

Expected Grade: A-
Final Grade: A-

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