Monday, 11 January 2016

DSC2008 Business Analytics - Data & Decisions

Taken in SEM 1 AY15/16

Module overview:
Part 1: Types of data and distributions, hypothesis testing and regression
Part 2: Time series analysis, cluster analysis

Review: Module had a pretty steep bellcurve since the assignment and group projects were all roughly done in the same way. Examination was manageable and many people left early. But because it was MCQ, you should study properly as many who found it alright did not do too well since it was pretty tricky - 2 answers were similar to each other.

This module was not as scary as many said it would be. However, studying is required.

Webcast: Available (I relied on the webcasts the entire sem and didn't go for lectures, as many a time I could not catch what the lecturer was saying and had to repeat watching many parts)
Textbook: Available, useful to read but not absolutely necessary.

Individual Tutorial Assignments (Weeks 4 & 10): 20% (10% each)
Group Project (due Week 12; presentation Week 13): 20%
Class Participation: 20% - Seems a lot but was mainly made up of attendance. Did not talk at all in class.
Final Examination (Open Book; bring anything except computers and hand phones: 40%

Expected Grade: Really unsure, since the bell curve seemed very steep
Final Grade: B+
(Should have done the first assignment earlier as it was quite confusing and there were multiple methods that were suitable. Second assignment was pretty similar for everyone).


  1. Hi,
    I am taking this semseter.Do you kind sharing the notes with me?thanks.

    1. Hi, do contact me via email so i can send it to you!

  2. How is the presentation like?

  3. Hi, would you mind sharing the materials with me? I've sent you an email alr :) thx in advance!

  4. hi, thanks for the review! possible to share the notes with me?
